Over the Xmas / New Year break I spent some time pursuing one of my great passions (Freediving), and it got me thinking…does Freediving make you a better investor? In the sport of Free Diving, […]
Set yourself on the path to success & financial freedom.
Over the Xmas / New Year break I spent some time pursuing one of my great passions (Freediving), and it got me thinking…does Freediving make you a better investor? In the sport of Free Diving, […]
Every year around about this time people start preparing to make New Years Resolutions – 80% of which fail by the second week of February according to this FSU News article. Yet despite this overwhelming […]
Let’s face it, when it comes to wealth creation ‘saving’ is about the most boring method I can possibly think of, but trust me on this…. saving is the bedrock of wealth creation, and if […]
When face masks become ‘normal’, planes fly around empty, and ordinary citizens start getting tasered for fighting over toilet paper it’s easy to let panic creep into your psyche. Investment markets begin to behave erratically, […]
In my work as a financial adviser an enormous proportion of my time is spent dispelling myths, misunderstandings, misconceptions, and unfortunately, just outright lies that clients have allowed to influence their financial decisions. There is […]
Where you get your financial advice makes an enormous difference to your outcomes. But unfortunately, many people confuse trust for expertise and don’t get the results they had hoped for (or were promised). Think about […]
I had a chat with a mate of mine this morning – a 30 y/o self-employed tradie. He works hard, he pays his mortgage, he has some investments, but during the call, he mentioned that […]
When i was a kid i could get exceptionally focussed. I would “get my blinkers on” (as my wife now refers to it) and i would beaver away trying to achieve whatever task it was […]
Last week in Change – Whats it Gonna Take? i included my Top 10 Finance Tips for 2019. Tip #7 was “Know Your Flaws” – Its hard to grow as a human if you don’t […]
A few weeks back my wife and i were sitting at the dinner table, both on our laptops. I was probably reading fund manager reports, or something else she found equally as boring, whilst she […]